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Details of the target gene |
Gene Model of Rodent Parasite |
Gene Model P. falciparum ortholog |
Gene product | secreted ookinete protein 25, putative | ookinete surface-associated protein 8, putative |
Gene product: Alternative name | PSOP25, POS8 |
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Details of the genetic modification |
Short description of the mutation | The P. berghei psop25 gene replaced by P. vivax psop25 (PVX_114125) and C-terminal tagged with 3xHA |
Inducable system used | No |
Short description of the conditional mutagenesis | Not available |
Additional remarks inducable system |
Type of plasmid/construct | (Linear) plasmid double cross-over |
PlasmoGEM (Sanger) construct/vector used | No |
Modified PlasmoGEM construct/vector used | No
Plasmid/construct map |
Plasmid/construct sequence |
Restriction sites to linearize plasmid |
Selectable marker used to select the mutant parasite | hdhfr |
Promoter of the selectable marker | eef1a |
Selection (positive) procedure | pyrimethamine |
Selection (negative) procedure | No |
Additional remarks genetic modification | To generate the chimeric TrPvPSOP25Pb parasite line, we replaced the Pbpsop25 gene (PBANKA_1119200) with the Pvpsop25 gene (PVX_114125) in P. berghei.
The plasmid pL0034 was used to generate the Pbpsop25 knockout strain (ΔPbpsop25) in our previous study. The transgenic P. berghei expressing full-length Pvpsop25 (without stop codon) in frame with a 3×HA cassette (TrPvPSOP25Pb) was obtained using the double-crossover homologous recombination strategy. The PbPSOP25 5’ and 3’ flanking regions were amplified using primer pairs ΔPbpsop25-5’UTR-F-ΔPbpsop25-5’UTR-R and ΔPbpsop25-3’UTR-F-ΔPbpsop25-3’UTR-R, respectively, and cloned into the vector to flank the human dhfr expression cassette. The full-length Pvpsop25 fragment with 3×ha tag was synthesized by GenScript Biotech Corporation and cloned into the above plasmid at the PstI site adjacent to the PbPSOP25 5’UTR. Plasmid (20 μg) was linearized by ApaI and NotI digestion and electroporated into purified P. berghei schizonts |
Additional remarks selection procedure | |
Primer information: Primers used for amplification of the target sequences 
Primer information: Primers used for amplification of the target sequences
Sequence Primer 1 | |
Additional information primer 1 | |
Sequence Primer 2 | |
Additional information primer 2 | |
Sequence Primer 3 | |
Additional information primer 3 | |
Sequence Primer 4 | |
Additional information primer 4 | |
Sequence Primer 5 | |
Additional information primer 5 | |
Sequence Primer 6 | |
Additional information primer 6 | |
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