Successful modification | The parasite was generated by the genetic modification |
The mutant contains the following genetic modification(s) | Gene disruption |
Reference (PubMed-PMID number) |
Reference 1 (PMID number) : 28708996 Reference 2 (PMID number) : 31730853 |
MR4 number | |
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Parent parasite used to introduce the genetic modification | |
Rodent Malaria Parasite | P. berghei |
Parent strain/line | P. berghei ANKA |
Name parent line/clone | Not applicable |
Other information parent line | |
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The mutant parasite was generated by | |
Name PI/Researcher | PlasmoGEM (O. Billker; J. Rayner, b) |
Name Group/Department | PlasmoGEM |
Name Institute | Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute |
City | Hinxton Cambridge |
Country | UK |
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Name of the mutant parasite | |
RMgm number | RMgm-3967 |
Principal name | - |
Alternative name | |
Standardized name | |
Is the mutant parasite cloned after genetic modification | No |
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Phenotype | |
Asexual blood stage | The gene is dispensable. The growth rate not significantly different from wild type - [growth rate 1] - [95% CI: 0.92-1.08] - [PlasmoGem version 20170802] |
Gametocyte/Gamete | Blood to midgut oocyst transition: -0.33 (diff); 0.06 (SD), not-reduced (power) |
Fertilization and ookinete | Blood to midgut oocyst transition: -0.33 (diff); 0.06 (SD), not-reduced (power) |
Oocyst | Blood to midgut oocyst transition: -0.33 (diff); 0.06 (SD), not-reduced (power) |
Sporozoite | Oocyst to salivary gland sporozoite transition: -0.74 (diff); 0.08 (SD), not-reduced (power) |
Liver stage | Sporozoite (through liver) to blood stage transition: -0.19 (diff); 0.15 (SD), not-reduced (power) |
Additional remarks phenotype | Successful gene disruption as determined by barcode PCR in a large pool of gene-deletion mutants. P. berghei blood stages were transfected with a large pool of barcoded disruption (gene-deletion) vectors. These disruption vectors contained long modification arms to efficiently target the genes of interest. In addition the vectors contain gene-specific molecular barcodes. Co-transfecting multiple gene-deletion vectors in the same electroporation reproducibly generates complex pools of barcoded P. berghei mutants. Unsuccessful gene disruption/deletion or successful gene disruption/deletion is determined by the absence or presence of the barcode in the population (as determined by barcode-specific PCR analysis). This report is based on simultaneous phenotyping of mutants by barcode sequencing and is part of a large-scale genetic screen. The genotype of this mutant was not confirmed. The mutant was not isolated/cloned from the mixed population (large pool) of mutants.
In a follow-up study (Stanway RR, Bushell E et al., 2019) pools were generated of about 1360 blood stage-viable knock-out mutants and these were analyzed for their phenotypes throughout the entire parasite life cycle. Using barcode sequencing changes were measured in the relative abundance of knock-out mutants during transitions from blood stages (B1) to midgut oocysts (MG), midgut oocysts (MG) to salivary gland sporozoites (SG) and from salivary gland sporozoites (SG) to blood stages (B2) in mice following injection of sporozoites. The change in relative abundance in the 3 following life cycle transitions (B1-MG; MG-SG; SG-B2) is shown as ‘non-reduced’, ‘reduced’ and ‘no power’. Cross-fertilization between different knock-out mutants in the midgut of mosquitoes limits the power of the screen to reveal gene functions during the subsequent diploid and polyploid stages in the mosquito (i.e. zygotes, ookinetes and oocysts). For instance, knock-out mutants in which only one sex is sterile, can transmit their barcodes to the oocyst by inheritance through the fertile sex. As a result, reductions in barcode abundance for these sex-specific knock-out mutants often did not reach significance at the B1-MG conversion. Genes that are known to be essential for the diploid/polyploid ookinete/oocyst were also generally not recapitulated in the screen, presumably due to heterozygous rescue as a result of cross-fertilization. While these observations highlight the need for future screens to be designed specifically to reveal sexual and mosquito stage phenotypes, they also rationalize how knock-out alleles of genes functioning in fertility or ookinete/oocyst development can be transmitted to salivary gland sporozoites to reveal additional gene functions after sporozoite transmission to the vertebrate host. The project website has further information on methods and vector designs, provides tools for data visualisation and analysis, and allows researchers to request vectors to recreate mutants, confirm individual phenotypes and conduct more in-depth analyses. |
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Details of the target gene | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gene Model of Rodent Parasite | PBANKA_1444000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gene Model P. falciparum ortholog | PF3D7_1229400 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gene product | macrophage migration inhibitory factor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gene product: Alternative name | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Details of the genetic modification | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inducable system used | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional remarks inducable system | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type of plasmid/construct used | (Linear) plasmid double cross-over | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
PlasmoGEM (Sanger) construct/vector used | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of PlasmoGEM construct/vector | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Modified PlasmoGEM construct/vector used | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Plasmid/construct map | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Plasmid/construct sequence | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Restriction sites to linearize plasmid | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Partial or complete disruption of the gene | Complete | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional remarks partial/complete disruption | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Selectable marker used to select the mutant parasite | hdhfr/yfcu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Promoter of the selectable marker | eef1a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Selection (positive) procedure | pyrimethamine | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Selection (negative) procedure | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional remarks genetic modification | P. berghei blood stages were transfected with a large pool of barcoded disruption (gene-deletion) vectors. These disruption vectors contained long modification arms to efficiently target the genes of interest. In addition the vectors contain gene-specific molecular barcodes. Co-transfecting multiple gene-deletion vectors in the same electroporation reproducibly generates complex pools of barcoded P. berghei mutants. Unsuccessful gene disruption/deletion or successful gene disruption/deletion is determined by the absence or presence of the barcode in the population (as determined by barcode-specific PCR analysis). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional remarks selection procedure | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Primer information: Primers used for amplification of the target sequences
![]() Primer information: Primers used for amplification of the target sequences
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